Dental Implants in Cairns

The design of a dental Implant is based on the design of a natural tooth that comprises a crown and root. Dental implants are rapidly becoming the preferred treatment for anyone seeking the optimal method of permanently replacing missing teeth.

The implant

A dental implant is an article tooth root that replaces a natural root. The implant is made from Titanium that fuses to the jaw bone forming a strong bond –This process is called Osteointegration. A crown – which is the visible part of the tooth is then placed on the implant, creating the kind of strength and stability only previously provided by a natural tooth.

Amazing benefits of dental implants

  • Strengthens your jaw bone.
  • Promotes healthy gums
  • Restores your ability to chew and speak
  • Gives you the confidence to smile naturally again

What are your concerns?

A Single Missing Tooth:

Single missing tooth restoration with an implant supports a single crown and is an ideal and simple solution when compared with conventional alternatives and can look amazing as the tooth will emerge from the gum just like a natural tooth.

Several missing teeth

Where multiple teeth are missing in the same area of the mouth, an implant-supported bridge can be fitted. A fixed implant bridge involves the placement of two or more dental implants to replace three or more missing teeth. A bridge is made that attaches to the implants via abutments. This kind of an implant treatment offers the benefit of not damaging or contacting the adjacent natural teeth.

Missing all your teeth

If you are missing all of your teeth, an implant-supported full bridge can replace them. You may need 4 -6 implants to support a bridge which will replace both your lost natural teeth and some of the roots. You only need 4-6 implants to support a bridge to replace all the missing teeth. Such an implant bridge is a long-term solution and provides excellent strength, function and appearance and eliminates the pain, discomfort and bone loss that a denture patient experiences.

What’s it like getting dental implants from Cairns Dental Boutique

We’re dedicated to providing the very best dental implant process in Liberty.

We work together with you to carefully outline every step of your treatment so you know exactly what to expect

Using 3D imaging technology, we’ll visualize your bone condition and ensure proper implant placement

Your implant will be given ample time to heal — as much as you need!

A few months later, we’ll create and bond your final restoration in place

We’ll help you understand how to properly care for and maintain your implant and a healthy smile

From start to finish, your comfort is top-of-mind, and it shows! Dr. Roy and our entire team pull from their years of experience and training to place your dental implant restoration with the utmost care and precision.

Root Canal Treatment in Cairns

Stop infections and fix tooth pain!

Root canals are probably the most notorious procedure in dentistry, but also the most misunderstood. While many people view them as “scary,” the truth is that a root canal is an effective treatment to stop pain and save your tooth.

So, what is a root canal?

When a tooth becomes infected, it’s usually related to the nerves in the root of your tooth. These infected nerves need to be removed. Left untreated, an infection can turn into an abscess, which is a much more serious problem that leads to missing teeth and bone loss in your jaw.

Cairns Dental Boutique is the trusted place to get a root canal in Cairns. With state-of-the-art technology and years of experience, your root canal treatment will be easier and more comfortable than you thought. We’ll make sure of it.

Better results through better technology

Thanks to CBCT 3D imaging, our dentists can visualize exactly what’s going on with your tooth and create a root canal treatment plan personalized to your needs. Combined with local anesthetics and proper pain medication, our team can deliver efficient, long-lasting root canals with little to no pain in most cases

What to expect during a root canal at Cairns Dental Boutique

  1. We’ll start the procedure by using a local anesthetic to numb the area around the affected tooth.
  2. Our dentists will create an opening in the tooth canal to remove infected tissue, clean the canal, and seal it with a biocompatible material called gutta percha.
  3. We’ll finish your root canal with a custom tooth-colored crown, created right in our office in just 20 minutes.
  4. We want you to know the joy of a happy, healthy smile. When you need to stop decay or save your tooth, we do our best to make your root canal treatment a positive, comfortable, and efficient experience. Your smile is in good hands here.