The Greatest Christmas Gift for your Child

This Christmas give your child the gift of a smile with your Cairns Dentist

What to get for the child that has everything? It’s an age-old problem. We want to make sure to give our little ones the best Christmas and make sure that the holidays are special memories for the future.

This Christmas, why not give your children the gift of good dental health and oral hygiene habits that will last them a lifetime?

Eating and drinking are so much a part of the Christmas experience, and the majority of these foods and drinks are laced with potentially tooth-rotting sugar. Now, we are not for one minute suggesting that you or your family shouldn’t enjoy these festive treats! But there are a few things to keep in mind over the holiday period that will ensure your kids’ pearly whites stay healthy for years to come.

Let Treats be Treats

The key is that ‘special’ occasion foods really are just that. They can be enjoyed at times like Christmas as a treat and not as an everyday go-to. After all, kids appreciate them so much more and it makes the occasion even more memorable.

Lollies, sweet treats, soft drinks and sports drinks are best kept for treats and rewards and instead stick with water and eat foods like fresh fruit between meals. With Christmas just around the corner, try to swap the lollies for healthier treats so that kids can really enjoy the festivities when they arrive.

Regular Oral Checks

Most importantly “Bring them to the dentist” for their regular checkups and cleans, so we can detect early signs of tooth decay and remineralisation of the tooth before a filling is needed as well as to prevent toothache and other dental problems. Once this is part of the family routine, big surprises, such as nasty and inconvenient tooth pain, can usually be avoided.

Remember, “Prevention Is Always Key”, as your chosen children’s dentist we have many years of expertise and will make sure that your kids have a positive dental treatment experience.


Give us a Call on 40323236 to check your child’s eligibility today. Discover why Cairns Dental Boutique is the best dentist in Cairns for children’s dentistry and dental care.

Teeth Whitening and a Refresh for Christmas

The Perfectly Pretty Pout Duo and Trio

Our most popular deals for the most popular season of the year!

We know how much everyone loves an enhanced bright smile and so we wanted your lips and face and to match the excitement.

Cairns Dental Boutique is now offering:

  1. The Duo Deal – In-Chair Teeth Whitening and 1ml Lip Filler at a discounted price of $750.
  2. Trio Deal – Take Home Teeth Whitening, Lip Filler and Anti – Wrinkle Dermal Fillers for $950

What are the Details?

Come in for a Consult with your Cairns dentist for an overall oral health assessment and the best suited teeth whitening products and dermal filler treatments with the optimum results for yourself.

In-Chair Teeth Whitening

Achieve your whitest and brightest teeth in just an hour of in-chair teeth whitening with the highest quality and safe tooth whitening gel products and gentle care given by our dental team

Take – Home Teeth Whitening

An option best suited for extremely sensitive teeth, where you can gradually achieve your desired level of colour and brightness.

Lip Filler

Add volume and define your lips with 1 ml lip filler with results lasting from 6-9months.

Anti – Wrinkle Injectables

Cosmetic injectables are to shape your face and are used to treat frown lines and wrinkles on your forehead, cheeks and crow’s feet. Injectables are also used for the following treatments:

Gummy smile – A small amount is injected into the Nasalis muscle causing it to relax and drop the top lip in order to correct the gummy smile.

Jaw Clenching – Anti Wrinkle Injectables injected into the Masseter muscle, which relaxes it resulting in the ceasing of teeth grinding and jaw clenching. This treatment assists with migraines and tension headaches caused by the overuse of the masseter muscle and over time it also slims the face.

These packages are available only over the festive season starting from the 1st November 2022 to the 31st January 2023, so please Call us on 07 40 323 236 to book your Consult appointments in.

What a fantastic chance to enhance your natural beauty and shine this Christmas!

When it’s time to call your Cairns Emergency Dentist

Cairns emergency dentists

Most of us have experienced it, that excruciating pain or throbbing in the mouth, that is just about impossible to ignore. Life is so busy these days and the temptation is to just pop a few painkillers and soldier on, hoping that the pain will subside. Fingers crossed that the mystery problem will vanish as quickly as it came, right?
Unfortunately, this just about never happens! And like most things, the longer you leave them, the worse they get. This can be especially true of toothache.

What is a Toothache and when is a toothache an emergency?

A toothache is pain in or around a tooth. There is a wide range of issues that can lead to this pain. Minor toothaches can occur because of temporary gum irritation but a toothache is usually a sign when something is wrong with either your gums or your tooth.

More serious toothaches can be classified as an Emergency. They are dental and mouth problems that won’t get better on their own and will need to be treated by a dentist as soon as possible.

Whether minor or more serious, toothaches should never be ignored and seeing an experienced and trusted dentist as soon as possible is the most advisable thing to do.

What constitutes a dental emergency?

A dental emergency is a situation when there is bleeding caused by trauma, a broken or dislodged tooth or an abscess caused by an infected tooth. If you have any of these symptoms, you should contact us for emergency dentistry in Cairns as soon as possible on 07 40323236.

What is the most common dental emergency?

1. Injuries affecting your gums and your teeth
2. A fractured jawline
3. Lost fillings
4. Abscess
5. Partially Dislodged Tooth

Can a dentist help in a dental emergency?

Yes, a dentist can help in alleviating pain and treat the causes of your dental emergency. For expert Cairns Dentistry, please call us on 07 40323236 and we will see you on the same day. Let us help you with swift and appropriate dental treatment to ease your pain and divert emergency.

Our Cairns dental practice is conveniently located, and we are here to assist you with comprehensive dental services and treatment options, always putting your dental health first.
Please visit the Cairns Dental Boutique website for full details of our dental care, or contact us today, we’d love to hear from you.